jueves, diciembre 21, 2006

Today I don't Want to Talk about it

Most of the time we think that, the thing that we don`t affect most of the people..but the real thing is that the thing that we do affect like little blow simple like a wind can do some chaos is move some mountains like the bible sad, some thing that we never imagine could happend

like the butterfly effect... like they sad has a cause and a effect form most of us...

Why Jesus came, why He is born in your heart, is like a revolution you whant to make some revolution or some radical chainges, the real thing could pass some time that your heart feals the liberty, and a real chainge is in you...

I remember when some times the people ask me, and i told that nothing happend on me... the real thing is my GOD was and still working on me...

Like they sad Man under construction... rebuild is on it don't disapoint of me...
some times happends when God is working with you sorry... a rebuild is made of me..

LOV U all... wonder why the chainges has a long time on us... the rebuild toke some..

martes, diciembre 05, 2006

Lift Me up

Llevame haya donde puede levantar mis pies,fuera de la tierra y estar contigo haciendo lo que me agrada hacer, adore... y cada dia hacer algo mejor para ti...

yeah... God Rocks...

Si alguna vez te gusto Garbage bueno good alternative The Bendamin Gate... yeah

All Over Me

Cuando sientes que todo esta sobre ti, Dios te da la respuesta,
siempre estas con problemas y ruido incluso en tu mente, como dice por ahi
aun en las broncas Dios jamas te deja de amar aunque tengas problemas, o te enojes Dios no te abandona ...

All over me... the aswer is God, allways Faith

Dare you to run

Te reto a Correr cuando los problemas te avecinan, claro recuerda Dios esta contigo a pesar de todo te reta a correr, sabiendo en quien debemos de confiar...

Video con edicion diferente al original